Got an invitation from E. to go watch some short films produced by young people and one of his students is the main character of a film called 'toll'. It was all right. Lots of violence in the films which I don't really like much.
Anyway, the main focus was not about that but it was about this: We went to tantric and this is obviously the first time I was there. I think I may have expected too much (I know I shouldn't have). We were there around 11pm so not that many people yet and we sat down for a beer. And slowly there were more and more people and E. met one of his friends and we started chatting. After a while, E. brought me outside where it was not that cold and left me there. I was so so nervous and scared, and I didn't know what to do. So after like 3 minutes (I didn't know I could even stand there for 3 minutes!), I went back to E. as i found out that my belt came out again.
I think I was standing there and my belt was out the whole time, that was why people were staring I guess. But who cares! Anyway, we chatted and E.'s friend bought each of us a drink (so sweet) and I got a bit drunk afterwards. Normally I don't get from drinking beer. But this time I did because I didn't have dinner and just had a bun before going in. Well, same for E. so both of us got a little drunk. Around 12.30am, we went home as both of us wanted to; It was getting boring.
Oh well, now I am not THAT eager to go to the bars anymore. Nothing interesting and quite boring if you don't get hit up or you are there without your friend(s).