Saturday, July 25, 2009


I have been so sick for the past 2 days. I had a bit of headache when I woke up on Thursday morning but I thought it was nothing so I went to school. It got worse after lunch so I took my temperature and it was 37.7ºC. Since the day was almost over, I decided to hang in there. After school, I took my temperature again and it was 38.3ºC. The cycle back home was the longest EVER!

For that night, it was just horrible. I kept vomiting for at least 5 times. Terrible headache, it was so uncomfortable! The next day, my mom brought me to the polyclinic and there were so many people having a fever. So i was there for like 2 hours. It was so so cold even though i had my jacket.

Well, I am getting better now. I hope I will be fine by Monday because that when we start a new block (Sugarloaf Production). Its not good to miss out on that.

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